Школа № 606
                 с углубленным изучением
                 английского языка
                 (г. Пушкин)

Главная » 2008 » Ноябрь » 5 » Есть возможность посетить Австралию!
Есть возможность посетить Австралию!

Желающие навестить Австралию, отзовитесь!

 В июне 2008 года делегация  нашей школы участвовала в теле-мосте со школьниками из


       Это письма для вас!


Пошли свой ответ на любое из писем по адресу:

 606school@rambler.ru .Ты можешь стать делегатом от школы и принять участие в праздновании 20 летнего юбилея  связей  городов-побратимов
Санкт-Петербург – Мельбурн в Австралии!
Вот эти письма:

Hi, My name is Patrick Rehill. I am  14 years old however I will shortly be turning 15. I attend Princes Hill Secondary College in Carlton and introduced the school during the video linkup. I live however further from the city in the suburb of Northcote where I attended primary school. I really enjoy school and excel at History and English although history is studied in the same subject as Geography. When I am not at school or doing a mountain of homework, I play Dungeons and Dragons, read and play tennis, I am also very passionate about Politics and I am a member of the school’s debating team. I one day hope to become a lawyer, journalist or Member of Parliament.

Email address is lyrandar@gmail.com



Name: ChienYu YEH

Age: 15

Interests/ Hobbies: Drawing, Photography, Culture Studies, Travelling, Swimming,

Hanging and going out with friends, Play music…

Hi, my name is ChienYu, I am living in Melbourne, Australia with my mother and sister while my father is still living in Taiwan. Currently I’m in yr 10 at Princes Hill Secondary College. At school I am studying English, Maths, Science, Humanities, Visual Communication, French and film this 2nd semester but I did photography and glass too in the 1st semester. At the moment I am enjoying all the subjects expect for maths and science. At the end of this term I will chose my subjects for next year which would be awesome but I still haven’t really decided on what I am going to chose. 

Out of school I don’t play any sport but I really like hanging out with my friends on the weekends or during the holidays. My friends and I sometimes hang out around the city where we can go shopping, watch movies etc. Other times we just go to each other’s houses. The lifestyle and work load is pretty easy going so there is always time to do whatever we wish to.

I like travelling during the holidays and I wish to go all around the world in the future. I enjoy understanding and learning of a culture that I am not familiar with and I also love to meet new people. 

My name is Lena Douglas. I am 14 years old, and I go to Princes Hill Secondary College, in Melbourne, Australia.

I love music and sport. I play soccer on the weekends for The Brunswick Zebras. I also take circus classes after school on Thursdays. We learn cool balances and tricks.

I play the piano, the trumpet and the clarinet. I play in a couple of school bands. Recently at school we had a school musical, Jesus Christ Superstar. I played trumpet in the band. It was really cool!

I live with my mum, my dad, my little sister Rachel, and my dog Ollie.

On the holidays I enjoy going camping and bushwalking with my family, and hanging out with friends.

I hope to hear from a pen pal soon!



Hi my name is Cecilia, I'm fifteen I live in Melbourne with my mum and dad. I don't have any brothers or sisters, so I would love a pen pal! I don't have any pets either. It's so sad!

I enjoy doing yoga, playing Australian Rules Football, rock climbing, listening to popular music and bush walking. I also love going out with my friends and swimming at the beach.

Hope to hear from one of you soon!



Hi, my name is Delphi. I am 16 years old (as of tomorrow), and I go to princes hill secondary college and it takes me half an hour to get to school. I live pretty close to the city, and so do my friends.. so sometimes we go there on weekends to watch the football or go shopping. I love shopping :P and the football...so I am very happy I live so close to the city! I have been doing ballet for 10 years. but this year I have taken a break, i am missing it a lot. My favourite food is sashimi, and my favourite colour is green. I play the guitar, and for christmas my dad bought me an electric guitar :D!! I love it. Well that’s a little about me, look forward to hearing from you.


Hi my name is Edith Shepherd and I'm 15 years old, in year 10 at Princes Hill Secondary College.
School is right next to the city, so it's easily accessible from all over the place.
I live very close to school, so i also have easy access to the city, which is where
most of my friends and I meet up and hang out.
I have two brothers, William and Jonathan. They are 2 and 4 and both very cute.
I also play alot of music. I play Flute, Piano, Trumpet, tenor Saxophone and I sing.
My friend Hank and I have placed first at the Victorian Flute Guild 4 years in a row.
When I'm older, I hope to have a career in music, although ever since i was 3 I've
also wanted to be a doctor! I also tap dance, It's a bit of a family tradition as my great
grandmother and her sisters were all famous tappers.
I look forward from hearing fromyou!



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