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Главная » 2011 » Март » 27 » Russian Students view Burns Statue (статья с австралийского сайта)
Russian Students view Burns Statue (статья с австралийского сайта)
Battered Burns’ world of fans
11 Mar, 2011 04:00 AM
THE unmistakably robust sound of bagpipes filled the air as Camperdown welcomed some very special visitors who travelled all the way from Russia with a love for Robert Burns and his poetry.
Their enthusiasm was palpable as they got up close to the town’s statue of Scotland’s favourite son before performing a selection of excerpts of their favourite Burns poems to a gathered crowd.
The nine students, aged from 13 to 16, three teachers and two parents from school 606 Pushkin in St Petersburg were visiting Melbourne and couldn’t pass up the opportunity to see the world’s oldest surviving statue of Burns, who died in 1796.
Joined on the day trip by members of the Robert Burns Club of Melbourne, who also funded the bus trip, the group of Burns enthusiasts were welcomed to Camperdown by Corangamite Shire’s chief executive officer Andrew Mason.
Passionate researcher Gordon Ashley spoke about the statue’s significance and said he hoped the students would be the first of many international groups to visit.
"I’m really thunderstruck by it and deeply moved by the whole thing,” he said of the group’s visit.
The students study the poetry and songs of Burns as part of their curriculum and have also visited Scotland as part of essay and poetry competitions held in his honour.
Captivating the small gathered crowd outside the council’s civic centre, the students delivered a delightfully animated performance of some of their favourite Burns poems which culminated in a group sing-a-long of Auld Lang Syne.
Student Elena Asinovskaya said she enjoyed performing for the gathered crowd.
"I think the singing together was the best, it makes us all united and friendly,” she said.
Also at the ceremony was Susan Cole, whose great-grandfather William Andrew Taylor donated the statue to Camperdown in 1883.
The statue is awaiting restoration after being attacked by vandals in 2009.

From - http://www.scotsofaus.org.au/2011/03/17/russian-students-view-burns-statue/
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